Monday, August 06, 2007

July 31st

Jonah turned 6 months old.

He decided that day that now he LOVES his Johnny Jump Up and can really jump. He is also quite mobile, though not quite crawling he can roll and wiggle to get wherever he wants.


  1. Stinkin' cutie patootie!

  2. My kids never had one of those, but I've heard babies love them!

    What a cute boy!

  3. i just love the chubbiness.

  4. I can't believe Jonah is 6 months old already!

  5. My A loved his jump-up. Jonah is so darn cute. Makes ya just want to eat him up- in a baby play sorta way.

  6. Oh he is so cuddly sweet! If he wasn't asleep that whole time at blog fest, I would have loved to meet him and snuggle him!

    Liam loved his johnny jump too! I would put it in the bathroom doorway and take my showers while keeping an eye on him.
