Friday, December 03, 2010

Have I mentioned how great my Thanksgiving was?

Last Tuesday I got off work two hours early cause a HUGE storm was supposed to hit and close road, etc., etc.  It turned out to be a pretty minor storm.  Lame.  But I still got off work early;)  Went grocery shopping, then met the fam at home, finished packing, and headed up to the cabin.  We'd already spent two nights there a couple days earlier and we spent the next five nights there:)
Tuesday night:
Elora wearing Grammy's accessories

Wednesday was lots of family-time, good food, and fun.
Grandkids snuggling with Grammy in the morning.
Elora, Jonah, Linda, Bailee, and Bryson.

Grandkids hanging on Poppa.

Kathy, her kids, and her friend Heather were the only ones at the cabin with Alan, Linda, and my little family until the big day.  That morning Alex (Kathy's S.O., Bobby (Kathy's brother), his wife Emily, and their son Ian, Brandon's cousin's son Derek, his wife Tianna, Tianna's sister Kristin and her hubby Joseph and their twin 5 y.o. girls all came up.  It was good times.

More photos to come.  No time now.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Linda was pretty popular! She must have been exhausted:)
