Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Halfway Through!

My pregnancy is halfway over! I can't believe it. Here's my belly at 21 weeks. As of last week I had gained 10 lbs. How will I be able to carry 15-20 more?! I love my belly. I like the size bigger boobs too. Things have been pretty easy up to this point, let's hope they continue that way.


  1. you look absolutely beautiful! I am totally tearing up right now. Oh how I wish I could touch that belly and talk to it!

  2. I love your cute pregnant belly. Have you picked out a name for him yet?

  3. you are so cute. i miss the days of being that small....

  4. you look nothing like your profile picture! that's so weird, but you do look beautiful pregnant. i'm so glad you're enjoying it so much! what a blessing. :)
