Saturday, February 03, 2007

Introducing Jonah Charles

I've been too busy staring and feeding to take hardly any pictures. Fortunately Nana Colleen has taken lots over the past four days so I will post more later.
Jonah entered the world Wednesday morning, Jan. 31st at 9:21 am. He weighed an unbelievable 8 lbs. 2 oz! He has beautiful soft brown hair and big dark blue eyes. He makes a lot of cute facial expressions including smiles. He likes sleeping and milk and being burped. He loves when Dad wraps him, when Mom feeds him, and when Nana snuggles him. I think Brandons is actually a more natural parent than I am. He is a great swaddler, burper, changer, cuddler, etc. I feel like all I'm good at is making milk and timing feedings. No, we're both taking to the parenting thing pretty well actually. It helps that we have a really good baby.
My cesarean went well and I got to go home from the hospital a day early cause I was doing so well and wanted to be in my own bed. I can't drive for three weeks or pick up anything heavier than my baby (think a gallon of milk) for longer than that while my incisions heal. I'm trying to take things easy. It helps when Mom is cooking and Brandon is cleaning and I get help with burpings, diaper changings, etc. Taking care of myself requires a little extra work these days. I don't feel too sleep deprived, but we'll see how I do when Brandon is back in school and my mom goes home... Thanks for all the phone calls, gifts, emails, etc. I appreciate your love, support, and well wishes. We are all doing great.

A rare crying moment.


  1. Emily-Congratulations! He is super cute! I am so happy for you guys-that is nice that your mom is there helping out-Enjoy it!

  2. Congratulations!! He's a cutie!!
    (My Isabel weighed 8.2 also!)

  3. Congratulations!!

    I am so happy for you, and he is absolutely precious!

    Good to hear that you are doing well. Keep taking good care of yourself!

    Isn't it great when moms are there to help out?

    Congratulations again!!

  4. Welcome Jonah, another Aquarius! He is absolutely adorable, Em.

  5. oh emmy, he is a bery bery handsome man and i wish i could squeeze him and suck on hees widdle ears. you better do it for me.
