Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekend Update

Friday morning: Went out to breakfast with my cousin, Jill, at Jimmy's Egg. Spent the rest of the day hanging out with her on my couch, talking and eating. She is a flight attendant and was here on a layover. I got to see her cute 20 week pregnant belly and she got to see my cute 7 week old baby.
Friday night: Victoria's 30th birthday party at The Wolftrap. She entertained us with karaoke all night.

Saturday: My dad came into town for the weekend to see his 9th grandbaby. We went to lunch at Pho (pronounced Fa) where I finally discovered soup I like (chicken with rice noodles). It is a Vietnamese place in the Asian District that serves huge bowls of noodle soup which I've never liked before but Brandon loves. The table is laden with herbs, veggies, and sauces to put in your soup; pretty cool place. It was Jonah's first meal out and though he wanted to try the raw springrolls, all he got was a bottle of breastmilk.

We spent the afternoon at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Jonah slept in his stroller nearly the whole time. I actually snuck into the fake railway station/telegraph office and closed the doors so I could nurse privately cause there was nowhere else to do it.

At church on Sunday with most of our party for Jonah's blessing.

Jonah "talking" to his Papa Stan.


  1. Pho is my favorite soup. Jake's too. We often share a big bowl, but I have to eat my portion first, because he puts it WAY too much red sauce for my taste.

  2. I am so jealous that Jill got to see Jonah before me. How was the blessing? Did Brandon like it? I wish I could've come!

  3. How sweet-lots of family around at a special time! Your dad is so nice by the way-he gave me a ride from Coolidge to Mesa one time

  4. Why do you look so good with a 7 week old and I always look like a big blob?? (I almost typed blog...)

  5. G thanks.. I look AWEFUL in that birthday pic!! I am smiling so much I think my head is going to explode. Good times.

  6. how nice that your dad got to be there! looks like fun.

  7. What a joyous time to be alive! So greatful we are able to share our experiences thru this medium.

    Looks like you all had a great time together!

  8. I bet Papa Brimley was in heaven at that cowboy joint!

  9. Such cute pictures! So fun that Stan got to come visit you guys on such a special weekend!
