Friday, July 27, 2007

A Week in Pictures

Last week's trick: "Look, Ma, no lips."

Last Saturday: Jonah took his first boat ride on Grandpa Alan's boat and I did my first watersports in two years (tried lake surfing).

Saturday evening: BYU-Hawaii Alumni picnic in Provo Canyon.

My 14 year old sister-in-law, Vivian, finished the newest/final/7th Harry Potter book about 24 hours after it's release (she slept for five hours and ate once). The rest of us have spent significant amounts of time trying to finish as well. At the time of this writing, I am the only one out of six of us reading it who has not finished. The M.'s showed up in town with three hardbacks and a book on cds that they all had been working on on the plane ride here.

Jonah's newest trick is showing us the underside of his tongue. He has spent the past several days doing a lot of tongue "chewing."

The fam all in navy blue after a picnic at Washington Lake in the Uintas.

Jonah's aunts and Nana keep him laughing.

Yesterday: Four wheeler ride with Vivi.

Yesterday: M. family pictures

Today: racing Brandon on the Alpine slide. Awesome!!


  1. Looks like such a fun week! Great pictures...I especially like the one of Jonah in the lime green life jacket...and his "no lips" trick!

  2. What a fun week! Family can be such a blast!

  3. So cute! You guys look like you have so much fun together! I read Harry Potter "slowly". I bought it last saturday and I finished yesterday. I liked it better than all the books combined...amazing.

  4. Jonah is just a stinkin' cutie. And I'm pretty sure he liked me too.

  5. Cute pictures!! Such good times!! Jonah is adorable!! Thank you so much for opening up your 'mountain home' to us for our blogfest! It was so much fun and so great to get to know so many great bloggers. Definitely worth the drive up the steep dusty hill. :)

  6. Did Jonah get a hair cut? He is so cute and funny. Wish I could squeeze him.
