Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Lake Powell

After a four year hiatus, Brandon and I returned to Alan's annual Lake Powell vacation. We spent three glorious days here and had a great time.

Babies like bubbles and dogs.

Our view

Some of the gang: Kathy, Alex, Bryson, Arty, Vanessa, and Sam. Only two of these people didn't used to live in a Polygamist colony (and one is the baby).

Jonah and "cousin" Bryson.

Jonah with his J. Grandparents.

After knocking Brandon off the float:)

Post skinny dipping. Linda, Me, Vanessa, Katie.


  1. Holy cuteness to Jonah! And holy nudeness to you and your friends! Looks like a blast!

  2. The babies are so cute! I'm glad you had fun! :)

  3. I agree with Bekah...haha

    Jonah is so cute!

  4. You look so cute in your swimsuit. I have to wear boardshorts- stretch marks and cellulite plaque my thighs.

  5. SO darn fun!

    I love the lake-

    Hope you bought some Stevens chlorine Free Ice-

  6. PLAGUE! Not plaque... :P
