Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brain Damage

I have a confession. In the past four days I have watched 18 episodes of 30 Rock. Yes, I watched all of Season 1 in less than a week. I watched the season premier a couple weeks ago and then this week got hooked. Does it make it any better that the episodes are only 21 minutes long? Netflix just changed it so we can watch unlimited amounts of the shows available on Watch Instantly online. By the hammer of Thor, I'm a sloth!
I'd seen this show a couple times when it was actually on tv and thought it was kind of funny, but didn't really appreciate its comic genius until now.


  1. I love 30 Rock. Mike converted me.

  2. It really is comic genius! Tina Fey succeeds in everything she does, I swear!

    I wish I could watch it every day like that. I'd have laughed by butt off by now. (And I could use that.)

  3. Wow-that's a lot of 30 ROCK. So, you seem to know a lot of trivial things...when is this strike going to end? Let me know what your sources tell you :)

  4. I did the same thing with Lost. I am now totally caught up and ready to watch the season opener this week. Can't wait!

  5. I haven't really got into 30 rock yet, but some other friends have told me I need to. I still don't think anything can beat The Office.
