Monday, January 28, 2008

My Weekend

Just a little journaling post. I know I need to get new pictures of Jonah and my belly on here soon.
Friday: Brandon had the day off because his assistant got married on Saturday. Spent the day at home mostly; playing with Jo, scrapbooking a little, etc. Talked to my 21-year-old brother, Teddy, for the first time in two years! He just returned from a mission for our church in Madagascar. I received an email from him every week while he was gone but he only got to call home twice a year (it keeps them focused). Got out of the house alone to grocery shop, print photos, and run to the bank.
Saturday: Went up to the cabin in the afternoon. Jonah got to "play" with his "cousin" Bryson who Linda had for the weekend. Bryson is three months older and much bigger than Jonah. They were interested in each other, but less than I expected. Jonah loved Bryson's dump truck full of big lego-type blocks. Brandon and I went to his assistant's wedding reception in the evening. She looked lovely and the hall was decorated beautifully. We loved watching the little girls dance on the dance floor, with each other, with boys, and all alone. I love that age (everything under about 12) before inhibitions set in in girls and they are just so fancyfree and footloose.
Sunday: I'm officially five months along in my pregnancy (22 1/2 weeks). Got to take a nice long morning nap while Brandon took care of Jonah before heading home from the cabin. Jonah now says, "hi", "uh oh", and "ohhh." He talks with his hands a lot too. He has taken extremely short afternoon naps for about the past five days but finally took a good long one again. Brandon set up our gorgeous new bedframe. Made a yummy dinner. Talked to Mark and Ted on the phone after their talks in church. Mark is 19 and leaves on a church mission to Mexico on Wednesday. Jonah still (now, I should say) wakes up once in the night for a changing and feeding but I have cut his bottle back from 8 oz. to 4 now. I tried water instead of formula on Saturday night and he threw a hissy fit so I'll wait on that for a bit longer. Any suggestions on keeping him dry, full, and asleep for 11 hours?


  1. That is so exciting, only 4 months till your baby!!

  2. I know it is tough but it was at close to 1 years old that I finally let Kai cry it out. 3 nights were a bit rough and then beautiful from there on out. Jared now almost 11 months can sleep all night but still most of the time he will throw in a wake up around 1am and expects to be fed and since I have 2 other kids in there I usually cater to it. But when at my moms or Girish gone on buss. trips and the boys stay in my room with me Jared seems to be able to work it out and sleeps beautifully 7pm-ish to around 6am-ish. I actually sometimes hope he will wake up at 4 or 5am so I can feed him because then he will sleep past 7am and will only take one long afternoon nap then which he is leaning towards now days. Just when things are good then he is trying to adjust to the one nap scene. AHH! I really loved that morning nap to shower and get ready for the day. Well goodluck Em and again all I gotta say is he can do it and should be able to do it. I know I ususally feed Jared almost right up to bed time. Dinner 5 or so and then a small snack applesauce and crackers or something at 6:30pm and then he is so ready for that bottle to bed at 7. Good luck again!

