Sunday, February 17, 2008

I recommend...

going to the theater and seeing The Spiderwick Chronicles. Lots of fun! Brandon and I had never seen a preview for it, we've never read the books, but "my" reviewers liked it and we had a vague idea what it was about. We saw it on Valentine's evening at one of the two single-screen theaters in town and we were pleasantly surprised just how much we liked it.


  1. What do you think of this? My hubby and I were all excited to take Zach to see The Spiderwick Chronicles today, and he has refused to go! :0

    I smell an ingrate, hehe!

  2.'s Brandon's long lost cousin Kelsey. I found you on Shanna's blog. It was fun to read about your life. I haven't seen you guys in ages! Email me and I'll send you an invite to my blog so we can catch up. Hope things are going well!

  3. I have heard so many good things about this movie!

  4. I can't wait to see it, the kids want to see it too!
