Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sister Time

I spent all week hanging out with Robin and her family.


  1. Is Robin pregnant too?

  2. I think they meant, Is Robin fat too? I look disgusting in all of those.

  3. I don't like talking smack about anybody, but I can't help myself! Anonymous is ignorant and rude!

    Both of you are beautiful!!!

  4. Hi Emily,

    This is Kelli (Harris) Hoopes. I Found your blog through Annie's a while back. I'm not the anonymous poster, but I wanted to say that Robin is gorgeous and I think that Anonymous just asked that because she's wearing one of those empire waist shirts. I love those, too, but I've had people ask if I'm pregnant when I wear it (I'm NOT.) Anyway... both of you are gorgeous. I love reading about cute little Jonah.
