Monday, March 31, 2008

What's Goin' On

Well, I suppose there have been a few things happening.
Jonah and I have decided to get out of the house more and be more social. We now try to go to story-time at the library every week. Jonah likes it mostly for following around other kids. We've only been to Parents & Tots Yoga the one time, but we'd really like to go again. Last week we went to playtime at the local Rec Center and that was great. We got to go to the Discovery Gateway Children's Museum with Stephanie (Brandon's cousin's wife) and her four kids one day, which was fantastic. We'd love to do that again soon.

Today we are going to Movies on Mondays (MOM) in Sandy with Ashly (Brandon's other cousin's wife) and her two kids. The Megaplex theaters play a movie every Monday around noon with the house lights partially up and the sound a little down. It's $5 for moms and free for kids under five. Today they're playing Horton Hears a Who. Tomorrow is our first playgroup. Jonah and I invited several moms from my ward, my online Park City Moms group, etc. to join us at our house to play. I think it's going to become a weekly thing, though maybe not always at our house. We are supposed to have 8 moms and 13 kids here tomorrow!!!
Other than our adventures, not a lot happening. I picked out family pictures (it was easy cause Jonah was only smiling in one and B and I looked good in it too), so we should have those hung up later this week. Got the brakes on my car replaced. My laptop has died (fortunately we recovered all my pictures first). I've been called to teach in Relief Society (the women's class at church) once every other month and am thrilled about that. My first lesson was last Sunday (on John the Baptist) and it went well.
Jonah now says "night, night" and "light". He blows on things now too. He can stand up without any assistance from a wall or a leg now as well. He still rubs his hair whenever we lay him down to sleep. After I brushed his teeth the other evening he looked it the mirror and did his cheesy super-grin to check out his clean teeth, which totally cracked me up. He points at everything. He has four teeth on top and two on bottom and I suspect he's getting a top and bottom molar on the right side soon.
I am seven months along now and getting a bit uncomfortable. My back and my sciatic nerve have been bugging me the past three days or so. It feels like my little girl is still doing gymnastics in there so she's still got room and yet she's pushing up on my right ribs just like Jonah did, which makes me hurt in various different ways and makes me worry she'll flatten one side of her head and have to wear a helmet too. We still have no idea what to name her and are totally open to your suggestions.
Today we received our first Winder Farms delivery. Milk, bread, butter, cheese, etc. all delivered to a cooler on our doorstep! Wonderful. We are excited to support this local dairy who doesn't use hormones or antibiotics on their dairy cows and to have the convenience of always having basic groceries on-hand (this will be especially useful when the new baby first arrives!).
Well, that's about all I can think of at the moment. Oh, except it snowed all day yesterday and I made pork chops with a ginger-pear topping last night (which I've made once or twice before) which was to-die for. Yum! Email me if you want the recipe.


  1. You sure keep busy Emily! Way to go!

  2. Winder Dairy is awesome Emily. You can't beat fresh, non-toxic food. I went to a chiropractor for my sciatic nerve problem when I was pregnant with Tom, it really helped.

  3. I really enjoyed catching up on all you've been doing! You are filling your lives with such happy activities! :)

    It's exciting that you're teaching Relief Society now! :)

  4. Hey!

    Can u send me your email that you use for the blog?

    I'm making mine private, and want to make sure you can get on.

    Send it to


  5. You sound so involved...brings back alot of memories when i just had Kai, doing the library time and all. Enjoy those times, they do go by so fast and all of a sudden Jonah will be in grade school!
