Saturday, April 26, 2008

Has it Really Been Three Years??

Lisa and I have been friends since 6th grade. She lives in New York, I live in Utah. We talk on the phone almost every week. It's been three years since the last time we saw each other (I visited her at her home on Long Island). She now lives in Westchester County, has a new job, and a puppy and I have almost two children. Lots has changed, but some things never do.

Lunch on Saturday with the Jensens after Katie's half-marathon at Red Butte Cafe on Foothill Dr. Tasty! (I need mascara).

We went up to the cabin for a BBQ on Sunday.

She arrived Thursday afternoon. I showed her son, my house, my cats, etc. We stayed up late talking. Friday we had a girl's night out. We went and got massages in Provo, went out to dinner at Carrabba's (delish), and saw 27 Dresses (fun chick flick!) at the dollar theater. Saturday we went to the zoo with Brandon and Jonah and to lunch with the Jensens. Spent the evening watching Scrubs mostly. Sunday we hung out at home and then went with my boys up to the cabin to make some burgers and check out how spring is coming along up there (the snow is starting to melt). Monday her flight was cancelled and she had to leave two hours earlier than planned. It was a very nice, relaxing trip. We had a great time together, we always do.


  1. It's fun to see pics of Lisa! She is as cute as ever!! I am looking forward to Saturday! :o)

  2. I'm glad you got to do so many fun things together! :)
