Wednesday, May 07, 2008


This evening we worked on our baby name list. We have it narrowed down to 12. That is much more manegable. It's funny how many of the names were similar to each other. I don't think I'll share the names with you all just yet (if ever). But we have four that begin with Ms, two that begin with As, three that begin with Es, a C, an L, and a K. Three end with "lyn" and three end with "a" and two end with "ie". Six have three syllables, four have two, and two have one. Why the cryptic hints? Dunno, just for fun.

P.S. - Jennie, Gracie is not on the list. Did you get the note I left for you at Fotogenix? I have no contact info for you...

P.P.S. - I hate the Sandy Fotogenix. The printers, the finishers, the checkers do a crappy job. The photographer was pretty good and the people are all very friendly but I will never go there again, even though I have a card for two free sitting fees ($55 value each? and one for outdoors even) and two free 8x10s (a $35 value each). I have had to have parts my order reprinted four times, different problems every time.


  1. Hey there how are you doing? I have been thinking of you this week. It's ok I already know the name you will pick....of cause it's Elaine Jensen heheheheheheh....Alright give your boys a hug from us. love you EP

  2. Good job eliminating 20 names! I'm excited to find out what your choice will be! :)

  3. How exciting I can't believe you are at the home stretch of your pregnancy. I can't wait to see pics of your precious little one. Happy pushing...or not.


  4. Emily, I didn't get the note at Fotogenix....I am sorry I am hard to reach! I don't blog and I am never on bet is to reach me via email- [insert first name]wjohnson at hotmail. (sorry for the crazy didn't want the auto phishers grabbing my address.

  5. How funny that you mention Fotogenix! I have the same package that you have, so I went to get some pictures of Jordan one morning, and guess Who's pictures were there all framed? Brandon and Jonah's!! they look so cute!
    About names, I always decide the name...why you ask?? Because as I see it, Bryce already adds the 50% of the name ( Wilson ) !!hahah~
