Friday, May 02, 2008


It snowed yesterday, yup, on May first. At least it's gone now.
Just got back from Jonah's doctor appointment. He is almost 30 inches tall now and 22 1/2 lbs. He's practically perfect in every way.
We have our baby name list narrowed down to 32 names now. Yes, I said narrowed down to 32.
Fiascos with my birthing plans: O.R. is full on the days we wanted to schedule a c-section and VBACs are not allowed at this tiny hospital since their O.R. is not fully staffed 24 hours a day (just on-call). Will let you know...


  1. It's NARROWED down to 32? Oh, my! You have quite a task ahead! ;)

  2. That is a lot of names!! WOW!!

    Sorry the birthing plan is hitting some kinks.

    You still have 31 names to get rid of, so noo hurry, right? ;)

  3. Is Gracie on your list?

  4. Hey Emily, sounds like you are doing great with your pregnancy. You will love having both a boy and a girl - they are so different right from the start! I think Spring is a great time of year to be having a baby!

  5. Hey Emily...sad about your " C ". I know how you feel.. when you are ready to have the baby in your arms and there is not space at the hospital! Sucks!
