Monday, March 02, 2009

Elora's 9 mos. checkup

Elora turned nine months old last Sunday. I can't believe it. We think she gets cuter everyday. She can crawl fast enough to catch any cat these days. She practices letting go of things now on occasion to smile at herself standing on her own for a couple seconds.
Today was her check up with our pediatrician. She has developed some eczema on her skin that we hope we can clear up with hydrocortizone and heavy moisturizers. She is a tiny little peanut and is only in the fifth percentile for height and even lower for weight. The doctor isn't worried about it because she's always been small but he did give me some ideas for increasing her caloric intake since I want to fatten her up. He said she is pleasant and perfect and that I'm doing a good job. We love Dr. L!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures of mini-brov and little sis sitting together. Awww. Of course she is perfect and of course you are doing a great job.
