Friday, May 29, 2009

AZ Trip

Sunday, May 10th at about 6pm, I packed the kids in the car and my brother, Adam, and I headed out to drive to Mesa. Jonah did not sleep well nor did anyone else really. I did most of the driving and it was an unpleasant trip. Got to my parents house at about 4am their time and got a whopping two hours of sleep.

Monday saw Dad off to work and Spencer, Gabe, Claire, Jackson, and Chandler off to school after breakfast. Spent the day hanging out with Mom and Sarah. Went to visit cousin Stephanie and two of her kids. Spent the night at Grandma Donna's. Jonah began waking up at sunrise at 5:30 which he did for most of the trip except for the two nights he slept in Robin's closet when he slept in about an hour later.

Tuesday spent the morning with Grandma and then headed over to Robin's house. Went swimming and generally had a blast playing with Henry, Charlotte, and Paisley. Had fun with Tucker when he got home from school too. Swam again. Had dinner with Trent. Everyone in bed early.

Wednesday Henry woke up asking for Jonah. Jonah calls Henry, "Henner". They are fast friends. Went swimming when Tucker got home. Karen came over and hung out with us that evening.

Henry and Jonah playing dress up in Charlotte's princess dresses. Jonah is six months older than Henry but the same height, he has a bigger head and belly though:)

Elora is 4 months older than Paisley but weighs a pound less.

Thursday Jonah and Henry helped Trent with some landscaping in their pajamas and also did a lot of jumping on the trampoline again. Me, Jonah, Charlotte, and Elora headed back to Nanas for the afternoon. I got a much-needed nap thanks to my mom. That evening Teddy and I went out for sushi and then headed back to his place to chat with Lauren. Stayed the night at my parent's house.

Friday, I have no pictures of Friday and a horrible memory. I think we just hung out at Nana's all day and stayed the night there. Oh yeah, Mom, Sarah, and I rented and watched Taken, which was really good.

Saturday helped mom clean the house. Went to Bookman's, one of my very favorite stores. Picked B up from the airport. Went and visited Karen at her work. Took B to get a Krazy sub. Reunited my hubby with his kids. BBQed and swam at Robin & Trent's house. Watched Taken again with Dad. Had Claire sleepover with us at Grandma's.

Sunday spent the morning hanging out with Mom, et. al. Andy & Jennifer Winningham showed up around 1pm to sweep us off to California.
Friday we arrived back in AZ around noon. Elora's first birthday. Did a luau dinner and birthday cake with a bunch of the family.

Saturday we hung out with Grandma all morning. Got Ned's Krazy Subs for lunch. Went to visit my oldest friend Autumn and her kids for a little while that afternoon. Michelle, Kaleb, Ethan, and Moqui came over to swim with us at Grandma's late that afternoon. Adam joined us and we all had dinner together and hung out for awhile before the kids went to bed.

Brayden is one day older than Elora.

Elora and Autumn.

Hunter, 3 and Jonah, 2 are great wrestlin' buddies.

Said goodbye to Grandma. Spend the morning hanging out with Dad, Mom, Claire, Spencer, and Karen. Left for UT around 11:30 and arrived home at 1am. Not a terrible roadtrip but I hope to never do that with toddlers again.

My dad with Elora.

Jonah and Elora being pulled around on a blanket by my 15 yr. old brother, Spencer.


  1. So many great pictures! We miss you already. I can't believe how huge I am. Anyway, please email me your address. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but need to send you a package next week. Love you.

  2. seriously...I'm exhausted just reading it. Why is it that vacations are SO much work? But then again, how wonderful to see so many friends and family members!

  3. Sounds like a fun trip.

    I love that you all have your kids playing together. I have a long story about not having cousins to play with until I was older.

  4. Oh my the kids are bigger....Can't believe Elora...she is so pretty....just like her Mama...looks like you guys had a fun trip you guys.

  5. What a great photo blog!! I LOVE IT!! Jonah is SOO going to try to get rid of the dress pics when he is older though. lol!

  6. It is so nice to spend time with family. It looks like you spent it quite well and made some great memories. Glad you shared!
