Monday, September 21, 2009

Do You See It?

Have I ever mentioned how often I get told that I look like somebody else? Usually it's someone's friend's cousin. But I've also had several celebrities mentioned. Seriously, I must have the ultimate generic face. I was telling this to my friend a couple days ago and she said, "I think you look like Jan from The Office." And her sister-in-law said, "Yah, you do." I prefer looking like a celebrity somehow.

Melora Hardin


  1. See, she's gorgeous! :)

  2. I forgot to mention that she has all of your daughter's name in hers.

  3. oh my heck, you do look like her.

  4. I have to agree. I can see the resemblance!
    It sounds like you had a great time at the cabin! Hope you had a happy birthday!

  5. The resemblance is amazing. I wonder if she's as nice as you are though...

  6. little off topic but i havent seen the office, but Lar got me with some reluctance to watch "17 again" and she is in it. surprisingly, that movie turned out to be freakin' hilarious!
