Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Zachary Quinto!

I had one goal for Sundance this year, to get a photo with Zachary Quinto.  Success!
It wasn't easy or warm, but I did it.  I also met Jonathan Groff (pictured below with Lea Michele) in the process:)

P.S. - I felt, for several reasons, I needed to delete my previous post about Zach and our meeting.  I have never had strangers comment on my blog before.  I often forget that whatever I write on here is really out there for anyone to read because I essentially write this blog solely for my sisters who live out-of-state from me.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.  I'd love to tell every detail of my meeting with Zach as it was interesting on a number of levels, but I feel I can only do that if my blog were private.  Perhaps I can tell you more of my meetings with celebs during Sundance on my next Sundance blog (later this week) without things getting all political or anything as I am entitled to my own opinions and allowed to share them. But part of what I shared earlier may have been inconsiderate to publish.


  1. Might have been inconsiderate to publish? GEE YOU THINK.

    Zach was nice enough to share a part of his personal life with you, and your first reaction was to immediately judge and dismiss him based on that. I hope you're ashamed of yourself, because you should be.

  2. Don't feel bad, Emily. Some people are seriously lame and need to get a life. I didn't read your previous post, but people are always trying to make others feel bad in this world..the funny thing is is they always comment as "anonymous". So pathetic!

  3. Anonymous, I am not ashamed of myself. I did not judge or dismiss him. Zach is an incredibly sexy and talented actor, meeting him changed my impression of him but not my admiration. You should be ashamed of yourself for judging me.

  4. Oh get off her (Emily's) back Anon, isn't it bad enough that her post has been taken to Tumblr and scoured over and wanked on like she was part of some kind of conspiracy? I don't know you Emily, but I'm in Zach's fandom and some of these people like Anon up there are downright scary.

    I've had the pleasure of meeting Zach on several occasions, and I agree he is cause for a crush regardless of his sexuality :)

  5. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for being less attracted to a gay man than you would be if he was straight.

    Those attacking you have a strange mental disorder in which personal sexual preference must accommodate everybody no matter what.

    If you're a straight woman, you're probably going to feel more attracted to straight men. Big fucking whoop.

    ZQ is gay and not even trying to conceal it (did you SEE the Star Trek Bloopes?), and yeah, that makes him less attractive to me than if he liked vaginas. Not because he would have sex with me if he did, but because I am generally attracted to men who are attracted to my gender.

  6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for being less attracted to a gay man than you would be if he was straight.

    Of course not - if you are a homophobe.

  7. I'm not the Anon who yelled at you, but I do wonder why you didn't share the views of those who responded to your post? One doesn't create a website and post his/her thoughts there hoping no one notices.
    Share the thoughts of the respondents & let others correct them if they act like children.
    There is a representative amount of weirdness & sanity among the computer-literate.
    BTW: I reiterate: one doesn't create a whole blog hoping that no one reads it.

  8. Geez, what's the word for a fascist who needs to control other people's sexual orientation?

    Because that's what you are.

    I'm heterosexual. I'm attracted to penis and I prefer that penis to enjoy vagina. Heterosexuality is homophobia now? That doesn't sound very enlightened and open minded.

  9. BTW: (Now a repeat Anon)
    I've met him, also. Beautiful, thoughtful man. Wish him (and YOU) the very best.

  10. I don't know what these people are flipping out about, frankly. I'm queer, and I have the same reaction to people I know don't have a compatible orientation. If an actor is good, I'll have different reactions to different characters they play, but that's totally different from meeting them in person. Sheesh.

    (It is objectively true that the commonness of this type of reaction makes it a lot harder for gay actors to be out and still get cast as leads, especially romantic leads, but people seriously need to chill. Your post is not the cause of the problem.)

  11. Em. you are so popular! All this controversy is cracking me up! Everyone loves a little gossip and scandal! way to give the people what they want (unintentionally). haha. Love the pictures! You're going to be famous now ....maybe someone will make a movie about you and you will get to act along side ZQ....just sayin, its a possibility. haha love you!

  12. "I'm sorry to admit that him being gay did lessen the excitement of meeting him in person somewhat. It really took away from the sexiness of his persona knowing that he would not be at all attracted to me."

    Wow, what a egotistical bitch to assume that he would be attracted to you if he were straight. HE'S STRAIGHT, HE MUST LOVE ALL VAGINAS!

  13. To Anon & Katie: It really has nothing to do with "Em" as a person. But those who are or care about people who are marginalized for whatever random reason are free to express that care. It was a random, hurtful, unpopular comment, but it still stuck (as evidenced by responses)--we can only hope that "Em" will grow from this experience and get over any homophobia she may have unwittingly been taught.

  14. Everyone, no matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, level of education, class, etc. deserves equal protection and dignity according to the law. They deserve to go about their lives without the threat of violence or any kind of harm. The deserve fair and proper representation, they deserve to be able to work in fields for which they are qualified. They deserve a whole host of things, but my personal sexual attraction is not one of them.

  15. I remember the first time I found out one of my celebrity crushes was gay. I was a little bummed.

  16. ha ha. If someone doesn't like what you say on your blog, then don't read!
    And I'd feel let down too if I found out that I had no chance at all with Robert Downey Jr. : )


  18. It was a joke. Thanks for pointing that out for me though, I totally thought he'd leave his family for me.

  19. Can't wait to hear about your trip Em!

  20. This is for Katie:

