Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Weekend

Saturday morning we took a little three and a half hour drive down to visit my Grandpa Bob and his wife Sharlene.  We hadn't been there in two and a half years!  It was nice to visit.

We timed the visit to coincide with Grandpa's annual lamb-mothering.  Grandpa lives in a really small town and every spring he takes care of all the baby lambs who don't have mother's or whose mothers can't nurse them for some reason.  When we got down there he was down to six lambs staying at his place.  They got bottle-feedings three times a day.  We were all smitten.
Heading out to the lamb's pen

At the pen

In the pen

 Feeding the babies

And yes, those are pepsi bottles we are feeding them out of

Just hangin' with their great-Grandpa:)


  1. Awesome pictures! I miss Grandpa. is he coming for Mark's wedding?

  2. Is the lamb wearing a sweater? Wool?
