Saturday, January 06, 2007

Baby Shower #2

Baby shower #2 was in Arizona. It was given by my lovely sister Robin. She was greatly assisted by my mom and my sister-in-law Michelle. All my sisters were there, plus several cousins, old family friends, an aunt, and a couple adorable toddling neices.
The food again was great! Spinach dip, tuna with cilantro & lime, danishes, and Robin's famous shower punch. I have 4 friends in AZ, 3 were out of town, and one thought it was the following Saturday, so I missed out on seeing them, but had a great time with my family. Thanks for coming and for all the great gifts!
Robin had Brandon and a few other people do a Brandon & Emily's Baby Madlibs, which was highly amusing. But of course, we were mostly just there to stare at my belly, shower me with gifts & advice, and have a good time in each other's company, which we certainly did. We also found out that my cousin and my sister are expecting babies this summer. So fun! Jonah will have cousins his age, lets hope for boys!

Today was our childbirth class. It was 7 hours long. We were not looking forward to spending our Saturday this way but it was actually pretty fun and very informative (plus a little scary). We really liked the teacher.

I'm really ready to nest: clean the house, buy the bassinet, the carseat, etc. Thank you Michelle and Adam for the swing! We plan on keeping the baby in the bedroom for awhile and then moving him to the "nursery." The nursery will still kind of be Brandon's computer room, I think. We're in an apartment, so we're not painting and we're moving in June so we're not keeping baby furniture and decorations to a minimum, but I'm still looking forward to its transformation.


  1. I see it's payback for the picture I posted that you didn't like. What kind of ugly face am I making? Anyway, I am glad you had a good time, I love you.
