Monday, January 08, 2007

Mascara Search

This is Prescriptives False Eyelashes Mascara. I've been using it for the past 2 years. I like it in brown more than black. I ran out recently.
Now, I've been getting my skin care and cosmetics for half price or free for the past 8 years. Last January was the end of those days (for now). But I've had plenty of most things on hand. I have had to buy some skincare. And I'm spoiled now having used the nice brands for so long.

My first job in cosmetics began in 1999 at what I call the "Et Cetera" counter. After a year of working there, I moved. About 6 months later I got a job working at the Lancome counter. I worked there for several months and then started freelancing as a makeup artist for Lancome's special events, which allowed me to only work 2 days a month. I did that for 3 years. During the last year of that I began my own home-based business selling Mary Kay. I did Mary Kay for about 3.5 years. Then I began a job as the counter-manager of a Prescriptives counter. I love all three brands I worked for (I also really like Clairins). I like a few select items from other brands I was exposed to as well. Let me know if you ever have questions regarding your skincare regime or cosmetics, I love sharing my knowledge.

Anyway, back to mascara. When I ran out of my "false eyelashes" I decided I didn't want to spend $19 to replace the tube with the same stuff. What other mascaras do I like? Lancome, but theirs is $22 and Mary Kay which is $15 and I believe has been recently reformulated so I may not like it that much anymore. Well, my mom has always liked the pink & green drugstore mascara, but I never did. But I believe there must be some very good drugstore mascaras out there that cost less than $10. I was very amused at the Wal-Mart selections that boasted 3x, 5x, and 8x the volume. How much volume is too much? Is 3x enough? Where is 6x? I took a random shot and bought Cover Girl's VolumeExact in brown. I'm not very impressed. It seems to flake off a bit (I frequently use eye drops and also rub my eyes), which irritates my sensitive eyes. I never had a problem with my False Eyelashes.
I'm looking for something water-resistant or at least smudgeproof, but not waterproof, and that gives a little volume. Any suggestions??


  1. hmmm. I am VERY VERY VERY picky about eye makeup, but I am also too cheap to spend a lot on it because I figure I use makeup everyday, and I would end up spending a whole lot of money on the stuff. I have pretty much tried EVERY drugstore mascara and my absolute favorite, hand down, is by Almay. I get the "bringing out the green" mascara because my eyes are green, but they cater to all colors of eyes. I love it because it doesn't flake off, and it is hypoallergenic, so it totally doesn't irritate your eyes. I am allergic to a lot of eye products, and this is the only one that has been a also adds a lot of volume and feels weightless. I love it. Oh, and it really does bring out the color of my eyes...they don't lie. I do have a question for you...what is your favorite brand of eye shadow? I love grandma gives me Lancome makeup all the time, but it also irritates my eyes sometimes. I was just wondering if you ken of any excellent brands.

  2. Chandler mall has loads of stores. Adam and I were on a date in the area once and decided to kill some time window shopping. There is this make-up store that had so much variety on every application, I never saw so much make- up. I did not see one wal-mart brand in there, I think. I dont shop much for make-up. I asked some one what was popular and high quality, he asked what I wanted in mascara, yada yada... For the first time ever I bought $19 mascara, dont regret it one bit. Made in Paris I'll just type what it says, (Talons aiguilles mascara allongeant recourbant, BOURJOIS paris.

    There you have it.

  3. I am soooo spoiled on make up now...ever since I married Chris, he buys me what ever I want a the department store make up counter, where he works and gets a 25% discount. The only over the counter mascara that I liked ok they don't make any more, and I have forgotten the name. Terribly sorry I am of no help!!!

  4. Hi Emily! I have tried most of the drugstore mascaras at one time or another and was never impressed enough to retry them again. I have to admit that I actually use the pink & green Mabelline stuff that our mothers both use. It's not fancy, but quick to apply and I never have trouble with it smearing or flaking. Since you are such a makeup expert, do you have any suggestions on good foundations? I have tried tons of different kinds, including Perscriptives (but maybe the girl who matched me just wasn't that great) and have never found one that I really like. Have you ever tried one of the powder minerals ones like Bare Essentials?
    Good luck with the mascara, Helene =]
