Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm Not Voting

It is election day, I have someone willing to watch my kids while I run to the polls, but I have decided not to vote. I feel guilty for not directly participating in the democratic process. I feel doubly guilty because I did not vote in the 2004 presidential elections. At that time I felt that neither candidate was suitable, at least this time I feel that either one will do.
I don't know if I have disappointed all of my politically active friends or none of them now, but I feel I am making the right choice. I have always found it amusing that people can so enthusiastically back a candidate they do not know personally and do not agree with on everything, though certainly I see the point in voting for the one who most agrees with your personal politics and values.
At this point I feel that both candidates are fairly decent people. I don't despise either of them and I don't detest either of their policies. I think they both have weak ideas on how to reduce our national debt, I don't feel that either are well equipped to boost our economy, and I feel that they are either weak or misguided in their ideas about what is needed in educational reforms. Those are the biggest issues to me in this election so I don't feel it necessary to put my name down as a disciple of either candidate. I will support whomever is put into office and I will pray for help for this country and hope for major changes.
I could write oh so much more, but I have decided not to at this time. I welcome your remarks though.


  1. I felt opposite about the 2004 election. I really like Bush, I hope he gets like a 4 month nap after this all over. Poor guy, gets so much crap from people. However, this time around...I am not impressed with either one. But in the end, McCain is way more in harmony with my personal beliefs. So I voted for him last week, hoping that my little contribution would help...but I think it is a lossed cause. Heaven help us.

  2. And why the heck did I write "lossed"...foolish! I meant lost.

  3. Emily, being part of the democratic process means you have a choice of whether or not to vote. Although I think we are lucky we live in a country where we get to vote, I respect your choice and your reasons behind not wanting to.


  4. Honestly, I think it is pretty lame that you didn't vote. I am sure there were other things besides the presidential candidates to vote for on your ballot such as state props. I think patriotism and civil duty are good enough reasons to vote, but more than that I think it is exciting to be a part of the democratic process and makes me feel a sense of unity woth other voters even if they are voting differently, because we are all there to have our say and participate in our government. It is a privelege that not everyone has. Holy run on sentence with typos, batman!

  5. I was the same way, and didn't even want to vote for president at all. In fact, I was set on not voting this time around because I felt the same way. But, the state had SOOO many important propositions that I HAD to vote! ( More than 12 propositions on the ballot!)I honestly didn't care who won the presidency. I DO care about the propositions that the state had on it's ballot though. Those directly impact me more than who is electd president right now.

  6. I did go vote with no intention of giving my vote to either of the 2 major runners & I was really upset when I didn't have any other option. There was no 3rd party listed, there was no write in option!! I felt like I didn't have the same freedoms to choose that others did & it really pissed me off!

  7. I think I agree with Robin. I have a friend who felt the same as you, so he wrote in a candidate (I think Ron Paul) so at least he did his part.
    Megan- I'm surprised you didn't have a write in option. That's so strange! (I'm positive our ballots did. I checked.)

  8. Okay you opened this one up so I'll tell you what I think: I agree with Robin, you were pretty lame not to vote especially given that your reasons were pretty weak. Our nation unfortunately is a two party political nation. There are alternatives but when we vote those alternatives we often feel like those votes are wasted. Someday that may change if enough people like you vote how they really feel. In addition, who was elected president is just one of many things you could have voted on this week. There are so many props and other things out there on the table. When you chose not to vote you essentially are saying I don't care what happens. I know you do care so do the your civic duty next time girl!
    In other news, I cried large tears when after requesting my absentee ballot over a month ago, it never came. I feel so victimized (okay that's a little dramatic but you know what I mean). Korea is killing me!

  9. Dear Emily~ thanks for inviting me to join your blog. I gotta learn how to set one up for me. I have been thinking about your comments on voting and had to share some of my thoughts.

    Those who know me know that I am very involved politically as a precinct chair and county and as a State Delegate as well. I can tell you directly Emily that you can make a difference. It was once said by a very wise person that "Evil triumphs when good men and women do nothing."

    As Americans and as women, a high price has been paid for us to vote. Blood has been shed and lives sacrificed. I don't think it is an issue of whether or not you can agree or disagree with a particular candidate. It is about Democracy and upholding our freedoms. If we fail to exercise our voice we will loose that voice! In the last election Utah had the lowest voter turnout rate in the Nation! I was horrified and ashamed. We have to do better. We know better!

    When I saw that is was cold and raining yesterday and wondered if some people would choose to stay in just because it was inconvenient. Women in Afghanistan waited in lines for 10 hours to finally cast their votes! I urge you to rethink your position and I would love to chat with you about local issues and how you can make a difference. Here in Wasatch County we made history by having our first elected State representative in the House in 30 years! Now we do have a voice! Have a great day and I will see you at book club.

    p.s. do you have the book "Living Biblically?" I could borrow?


  10. Em, I'm a little sad you didn't vote, however, I'm also not devastated. If we had some of the bigger issues on our ballot I would have been offended if you hadn't voted then. But I'd support you in your decisions pretty much with anything you decide to do. I'm so happy to have you and Brandon in my life! The two of you are two of the most amazing people I know!

  11. I agree totally with Robin... that was a run-on sentence with typos.

  12. Ted is so lame.
    He never comments on my blog.
    And he ate the rest of the bread this morning.
    He shall pay!

  13. I know how you feel, Emily. This election was a hard one for me. When it came right down to it, I felt like I had to just use what limited information I had and my best judgement. I was more happy to cast my vote on some of the more local races and issues. (P.S. I had no idea who to vote for on the school board--I should have paid closer attention to that!)

  14. Why ROCK OBAMA, WHY!!!!

  15. WHY ROCK OBAMA, WHY!!! -C.brimley
