Monday, October 06, 2008

Yes, I can be judgemental

Saturday I was talking to a woman and noticed that her nail polish was sloppily done. Then I glanced at her feet to see if they matched. They were painted the same color, I was too far away to see if it was poorly done but it was easy to tell they hadn't been trimmed first and were way too long. Yuck. It reminded me of something really funny I saw a couple weeks ago.

Those are press-on TOEnails, fresh from the border.


Gina said...

Sick and wrong, but OH SO FUNNY!

Andy said...

Yikes. I have never understood the french pedicure but this takes it to a new level. I wonder what Sarah Palin would think?

stephanie said...


Lorena said...

hahahha! yikes! you are funny!

Anonymous said...

ha ha!that is plain funny and weird.