Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Well, my four-day weekend was wonderful. I hope yours was too. Unfortunately I only took one picture and it was out of focus. I was just too busy!
Here's the recap:
Wednesday evening when Brandon got home from work he took the kids up to the cabin and put them to bed. I went grocery shopping, then picked my friend Victoria up from the airport then headed up to the cabin. Every bed in the cabin was full that night.

Thursday morning I took care of Elora, chatted with friends and relatives, helped with cooking, chopping, dishes, etc. Jonah mostly played outside with Dada and Papa. The afternoon brought my best Heber friend Angela, her husband Todd, and their daughter Vivian up to the cabin. Kathy, Alex, and Bryson came up as well, along with four of Linda's flight attendant friends. Dinner was around 5pm. We had 23 adults and 4 children in attendance. The food was glorious.

My favorite dishes? The stuffing that Victoria and I made (seriously there is no better stuffing) and Linda's two fancy potato dishes. EVERYTHING was good though.
Andy and Brandon came up in the evening and we had empty beds at the cabin that night.

Friday was a nice, lazy morning. That afternoon I decided that I'd better take Victoria out to see some more of Utah in the daylight. We spend six hours child-free. We shopped on Park City's Main Street and ate dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. R.C. is Victoria's favorite restaurant and I'd never been there. It was delicious! That night the five adults at the cabin watched movies while the kids slept.
Saturday when Elora, Victoria, and I managed to finally leave the house we headed down beautiful Provo Canyon and up past Sundance to Aspen Grove to visit Robin on her last day of her three day visit to Utah. She had been there with ALL of her husband's family for the holiday. It was nice seeing her family, especially chubby two month old Paisley who weighs only two pounds less than Elora!

Victoria, Elora, and I headed to Salt Lake next, where we enjoyed yet another delectable meal. This time our dinner was at Cucina Tuscania. It was an interesting experience. We arrived at around 5:30 and realized when we stepped inside the funky old building that this was a much nicer restaurant than we'd expected. I felt a little awkward wearing my jeans and t-shirt and carrying an infant but was hungry and excited to try a new restaurant that I'd heard such good things about.
This is where it gets weird. The manager (?) asks us what name our reservation is under and I say, "Do we need a reservation?" After consulting with others and his book he tells us it's going to be an hour wait. I say, "Well thanks anyway." and start to walk out the door. He says, "Oh, you're too hungry?" And I say, "yes" as we head out the door. Victoria says she gives them the evil eye and the nastiest look she can because she's sure we're being turned away because of the baby. Then he suddenly says, "It's too cold out for a baby, we'll make room for you." and we are promptly seating thru a door in a room that is not the least bit over-crowded.
The first two or three stops at the table, the server seems to be glowering at us. He never gets friendly but at least stops glaring. We enjoy a table side preparation of a Caesar salad for two, gnocchi with a heavenly mushroom cream sauce, and fantastic spinach and cheese raviolis. Elora is a perfect, quiet angel the whole time.
We head downtown, feed the baby, wrap her up to sleep in her stroller and stroll around temple square for an hour to look at the lights n' stuff. Good times.
Watch a movie and stay up too late talking that night.
Sunday is blissfully lazy for most of the day. In the late afternoon Brandon puts Christmas lights up on the house and Victoria and I get out the few Christmas decorations I have to put up in the house. Victoria makes us possibly the best hamburgers I've ever had for dinner.

Victoria went back to Vegas this morning and I miss her already, we all do.

(Thank you Andy & Victoria for the pictures)


stephanie said...

sounds like a fun weekend, but you were missed here!

Robin said...

I'm so glad you visited me, and I don't know if I told you, but you looked super hot that day!

Janette said...

It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving! I love the pics.

Victoria Holland said...

I love this blog too. Like a good bed time story.. Other than the pic of me with no make up on half asleep looking like a freak, it is one of my favs. lol. I have NOT forgotten about the rest of the pics too. If I have to send them one at a time, I will get them to you!