Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Me in a Nutshell


For our Relief Society activity last week, we talked a little bit about talents and had some women in our group share theirs. I was asked to set up a display table of my hobbies and interests. Here the ones I managed to show off: cooking, scrapbooking, hiking, giving makeovers, taking pictures, reading, boating, watching movies...


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Cool! I have yet to go to an Enrichment night in our ward. Nobody likes me in my relief society.

I love scrapbooking, reading, cooking and taking pictures too! :)

Klin said...

Such a fun idea. Cute display.

Victoria Holland said...

Yeah, that is a great idea. I like it! We are having a girls get together on Friday and filing out a questionaire thing and going to dress up in Jammies and get to know each other. It reminded me of something you would do and I KNOW you would have loved to go! I miss you!!

Jennie said...

you are so talented Emily.

Emily said...

The sad part was, I don't think very many people actually did more than glance over at the table, though I did have two people make a comment about me bringing a dictionary and one friend called me a geek for it. Um, did you look at my movies and books and stuff? Obviously I'm a geek.

Sheryl said...

Fellow geek here, just wanted to say how fun your display was! I loved your pictures and movies and books. I didn't look at the recipes, but I know first-hand that you're a great cook! That Enrichment night was actually worth going to. I thought everyone did a great job.