Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Amazing Jonah-Man

Jonah has always built the most amazing houses, towers, and cities out of his "softy" blocks.  They always have an incredible sense of balance, if not symmetry, both in design and color.  He is awesome and so are the blocks, every child should have some.
On Monday Brandon said the kids could hold the chickens as soon as they were dressed.  Jonah actually listened and obeyed for once.  Moments later he came upstairs wearing his new rash guard, his "softy" pants, and his dressy argyle socks.  He then put on his nice, brown shoes.  I had him pull his pants up and pose for this picture so you all could get the full effect.

P.S. - As of yesterday the chicks are starting to loose their fluff to make room for their mature feathers.  They are entering what my friend Leah calls, "the dinosaur stage".  Pictures to come.


Robin said...

He is awesome! Not to mention hilarious and adorable! My kids can't wait to see him, they were talking about it this morning. Where do you get those "softy" blocks?

Andy said...

So cute! He has such an awesome personality. Love him.

Katie said...

holy cow! did jonah make that house all by himself?? He is seriously the smartest most impressive kid ever! And he's got great fashion sense too ;) hahaha