Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Best Action-Adventure Movies Ever

My Top 10 

The Fugitive - amongst my favorite movies of all-time.  I found myself sucked into it last night when there was nothing to watch on my DVR and I was channel surfing for the first time in ages.

X-Men - definitely in my top 10 movies of all-time.  I've finally come to admit that I'm a huge super-hero fan and a wanna-be Marvel geek.  This movie is so well-written and character-driven and full of great action and fantastic visuals.

The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) - Though arguably more of a Drama, this movie is high Adventure and also incredibly funny.  I've seen three versions of this movie, all are good, but this is the best.

The Lord of the Ring series - Fellowship of the Ring is one of my favorite movies ever.  I realize this makes my list longer than ten if you count all three.

Star Wars movies (the 3 originals) - Again, this is more than one movie, I know, but I don't care.  Plus, I haven't seen them in so long, I couldn't tell you which is my favorite.

The Mask of Zorro - sword-fighting, eye-candy, great dialogue...

The Count of Monte Cristo - it's been a long time since I've seen this one but I remember that I loved it, especially the ending (harkens to The Man in the Iron Mask for some reason).

Casino Royale (2009) - Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Sean Connery and this is the most action-packed Bond movie ever.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - I'm just now realizing how much I love Harrison Ford.  Clear & Present Danger and Patriot Games almost made this list as well.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - how can you go wrong with both Harrison Ford and Sean Connery?

For me, an Action-Adventure movie needs to be both well-written and well-made.  It must be reasonably well-acted but can certainly be cheesy at times.  Probably the most important thing in this genre for me is plot, though characters are extremely important in all good films.


Robin said...

I have seen and loved all the movies on your list with one exception. I have never seen the Scarlet Pimpernell, I guess I probably should :)

Mike said...

The bourne trilogy.

Alisha said...

Yep, I've seen them all many times, but mostly since I've been married. One of my personal favorites is The Count of Monte Cristo and I never get tired of Star Wars. So nerdy. I actually enjoyed Avatar quite a bit too.

Emily said...

"Familiarity breeds affection." Which is probably why I didn't include Avatar or the first two Bourne movies, because I've only seen them once. I hated the cinematography on the 3rd Bourne.

Stacey said...

I love most of those too. The Last Crusade is one of my all time favorites. Can't get enough of it :)

Sheryl said...

What a good list! I love Indiana Jones - I think the first is my favorite - if I had to choose. I hate choosing favorites because my tastes change a lot. I have to say that I hated the Count of Monte Cristo - Daffy Duck's version does it just as much justice and sitting through that movie for me! :)

I SO agree with you on Casino Royale! Daniel Craig is my second boyfriend (when I'm bored with Russell Crowe). He's a hottie! Plus, the movie is terribly entertaining.

Katie said...

Excellent List. Makes me want to go have a movie marathon.