Brandon and I lived in Oklahoma City for the four years that he went to dental school. His cousin, Jamon, who is more like a brother to him since they both only have sisters, went to the same school for three of those years. Jamon and his wife Alisha were our best friends there. After eight hours a day with other people, Brandon isn't especially social during the evenings and on weekends. The only other couple we went on dates with and hung out with more than a time or two were Jennifer and Andy. Strangely, I got to see both couples on Saturday.
Andy (a law student running for state representative in OK) and Jennifer are in town for a family reunion. We spent most of the day with them on Saturday. We BBQed and mostly just hung out. They don't have a car here so I drove them to a family member's house about an hour away right near Alisha's parent's house where Jamon and Alisha (and their two kids) are spending most of the summer until he begins his Orthodontic residency in Colorado. I figured out that Alisha's parents live exactly one mile from my uncle Steve and his family, who I don't think I've seen in 8 or 9 years.
So after spending the morning and early afternoon with Jen and Andy. Elora and I stopped in to see Uncle Steve and fam and then to see Jamon and family. Alisha had a baby girl five days after me, so it was really fun to compare!
Second cousins?
Scarlet's toes and feet are even longer and thinner than Elora's.
Alisha holding Scarlet and Elora.
Yesterday Elora slept thru Sunday School. She also slept in the arms of a few happy women during Relief Society while I gave the lesson. I have a friend who has called dibs on holding her next time I teach already:)
Yesterday evening I tried the sauce from this recipe to put over our grilled salmon. It was fantastic!
Thanks for the salmon recipie I am always looking for more things to do wiht salmon. It also sounds like you are holing up fairly ok with Jonah and Elora. One day at a time right?
oh em she is getting more and more beautiful!!! and I just love the name we are so blessed!
Ohhh!!! Beautiful babies! :D
Isn't it great that Elora has eager, happy arms just waiting to hold her while you teach Relief Society? :)
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