Here's me right before bed on Wednesday night. 38 weeks, exactly one week before my scheduled delivery. My cankles are back. In the past week I've had good days and bad days. My doctor had to give me a prescription for nausea and to "slow down my system." I was having to eat every three hours and was in the bathroom way too much. I'm managing just to take a half dosage at night only now. It keeps me from waking up and needed to eat and wanting to barf. Okay, too much information, but this is all the journaling I've been doing.
I only have three pairs of pants that I fit into. I'm not working anymore and I'm resting a lot. I've been reading books on c-sections the past 3 days. Today I'm going to try and find sheets to fit the bassinet part of my pack n' play and buy a second car seat base, other than that I'm all geared up. I'm visiting a friend today - she has some baby gifts to give me:) And tonight I'm going to dinner at the new Cheesecake Factory with two or three girlfriends. Earlier this week I bought everything I need to make my favorite meal (dhal bhat) but I can't get into spending more than 15 minutes on my feet in the kitchen so I haven't done it yet.
The past 2 nights I've had dreams of being in the hospital for delivery. I'm excited.
Did you know that only 3% of babies are still in a breech position this late in pregnancy? This boy is starting out rebelling and trying to be unique. I opted not to try a version to turn the baby, I hope that was the right thing to do. We really want 4 kids and I don't want having a cesearean with my first to ruin my chances.
Anyway, I'm just rambling here. Love you all!