Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Jonah's Arrival

I am scheduled for a cessarian on Jan. 31st. This boy doesn't seem to want to get into a birthing position. I'm focusing on the positive - Mom can schedule her flight out, no labor pains, quick delivery, etc. He could still flip, but it seems unlikely. Lots more to tell but I'll blog tomorrow when I can include pictures.


sjmiller said...

Oh wow!

Well, at least this leaves the planning part a lot easier, right?

It sounds like you are a little more comfortable with it... well, more than you were.

I will be thinking of you, and pray for a smooth delivery as well.

Macey said...

Maybe Jonah will come on his own on the 28th and share a birthday with me! I can't believe it so close!

Robin said...

So close! We like babies coming no matter how they get here.

Tori :) said...

How exciting! Good luck

Unknown said...

Stephanie let me read one of her books called "The Essencial C-Section Guide" and I'd recommend it to you before you deliver. And for all of Emily's visitor's: A helpful visitor is a good visitor.

Anonymous said...

We are all so elatted and now anxious for his arrival. What a blessing.