Let's go back to this summer, probably late June. I went into the library, like I do most weeks and I checked out a couple books.
I am a library geek. I am on a first name basis with the circulation lady, Lisa. I have been at the library almost weekly for the whole 3 1/2 years I've lived here.
Well, this particular summer day a woman I'd never seen before checked my books out. I asked her if she was new, she said no, she just didn't usually work the circulation desk. Jump ahead two weeks. My books are due and I return some and go to renew the others. This particular book I have not even opened yet. When I go to renew it online I find that it and the two other things I checked out on the same day were never actually checked out. I return the other two and mention that they were never checked out properly and I think I even tell them I still have another out but they can't fix it cause I don't have the book with me.
Well, when I start reading this book I just can't really get into it. I'd read the first four in the series several years ago and so I've forgotten a lot and am having a hard time getting back into it, plus maybe I just wasn't in the mood. On top of that, this book was long winded and used the f-word too much. But I just couldn't return it without finishing it. I knew I had no due date and I just kind of forgot about it. Periodically I would pick it up and read a chapter or two. Recently Brandon figured out that I'd had it for several months and asked how and then told me just to return it if I wasn't enjoying it. But I DO like it I insisted. Finally, last week I plodded thru the final few chapters and really enjoyed myself. I'd skimmed a few of the later chapters just to get going again after a couple month break.
Anyway, I returned the book I "borrowed." I think I had it checked out (or not) for 7 months. I am a bad person, but it took me that long to read it. I am making a public confession, for all it's worth, and it's sad, but I really don't feel that bad about it. The library system has several copies of the book and I had the big awkward hardback. I know I should feel bad, but hey, at least I returned it.
The End.
I say it was a favor in your error! You probably could've stolen it free and clear, so good for you on taking it back, even if it did take a little longer than normal.
For give me Emily, I have sinned... Once I had a friend who worked at a video store. So, she would check things out for me and I'd keep them as long as I wanted too. Well, I had a Super Nintendo and games for over a year, and I think I still have the old Molly Ringwald movie "For Keeps." My friend doesn't work at the video store anymore...
You know what...I wish we all could keep books that long. I go to the library, pick out a book a want and then get caught up in homework and stuff so the 3 weeks just aren't long enough for me. I say way to go! Wow, this sparked a blog idea for me! Yay!
I wish I read more...I am trying to finish a book by John Grisham that Jill gave me more than a year ago!
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