I haven't taken any pictures in over a week, PLUS I don't know where the cord to upload them from the camera to the computer is anyway. I will have to take some though, it is GORGEOUS where we are staying.
Alright, last Wednesday morning I dropped Jonah off at Alisha's house and went by Panera Bread to pick up fresh bagels and cream cheese. We had 6 guys and me loading up the moving truck, it got done SO quickly, it was awesome. Thank you to Jeff, Ike, Jamon, Elder Bernier, and Elder Campbell for all your help! And thanks to Rebekah and Megan for coming by to say goodbye. We will miss you all.
Elaine couldn't make it on the flight from Houston to OKC so we had to change travel arrangements for the cats and they rode in the car. Fortunely for them, Brandon and Ryan decided to drive straight on thru to Heber, rather than stop for the night. It was a 20 hour trip! Thank you Ryan!!! And thank you to Jamon & Alisha who let Ryan, Brandon, Jonah, our cats, and I stay the night at their house on Wednesday!
Thursday Jonah and I hung out with Jocelyn, Alisha, and Jamon in the morning. Then we stopped at three different stores looking for dry ice on the way to the airport and couldn't find any! So now Alisha has 8 bottles worth of frozen breast milk in her freezer that I'm deciding what to do with. Any suggestions?
Jonah and I landed around 4pm in SLC. He was loud but pretty good on the flight. I was SOOO grateful to have an empty seat next to me! (Grammy) Linda had left us her car in the short term parking that morning when she went to work a Dublin trip for 3 days. Getting my suitcase, my baby, a diaper bag, and a carseat to the car was quite an ordeal, especially since I needed to pee and was hungry, Jonah was hungry and tired. I ran into
Tori in the airport, which was pretty wild since it was our first meeting and we were both stressed out with child and luggage in tow. I changed Jonah and tried feeding him but he dozed off. I then called everyone I knew, hoping to find someone's bathroom to use (so I didn't have to stop, wake Jo up and take him into a public restroom and sit him in his seat on a dirty floor while he cried) and something to do in the valley til I could get ahold of my FIL to find out how to get into the cabin. Had to pull over and feed my screaming baby in a parking lot anyway. Finally I swung by my aunt's house where my Grandma is staying (but not answering the phone). Sorry Grandma for not giving you warning of my coming and seeming more excited to see your toilet than you. Chatted with Grandma Aggie for about 15 minutes and introduced her to Jonah.
Finally got ahold of the in-laws. Met up with Alan at his house, got a drink, relaxed, and fed the baby again (he does a double feeding at bedtime, which it was by this point). Jonah had gone all day with only one regular nap and two mini snoozes instead of three naps. I had gone all day with only one meal. Alan drove us up to Heber and got he and I dinner on the way. At nine I put Jonah down for bed (he is usually in bed by 7). He was so tired he couldn't sleep at first but wound down after about a half hour. He slept his usual 12 hours (w/ a feeding or two) instead of waking up at 6:30 like he usually does.
He adapted to a normal schedule pretty much immediately. Unfortunately (maybe because of too much car riding) his naps have not been very consistent and when he gets put down for bed and some naps the past three days, he does more screaming than ever before. "My poor nerves."
Saturday I took Ryan to the airport while Brandon returned the moving truck, but not before taking him to try my favorite burritos at La Puente. Then we ran over to see my friend Kathy and introduce her to Jonah and introduce Jonah to her son, Bryson who is 9 mos. old. They were facinated by eachother and I'll have to take video of them together next time. Stopped by to see my best friend Jen and her newly landscaped yard but didn't have time to stay. Ran to Babies R Us to buy monitors and a high chair. Picked Linda up at the airport, got pulled over for speeding while taking the wrong exit, running out of gas, having my car's a/c go out, and had a crying hungry baby in the back!! I'm just grateful he wrote it for only 5 over when I was actually doing 13 over (hey, it was a huge 4 lane road, I didn't know the speed limit was only 30).
Sunday was thankfully uneventful. Today we took my car in to be serviced and drove around Heber and the even cuter sister city of Midway. Grabbed a few groceries and headed home. Brandon's oldest friend, Matt is over now, we're about to hop into the hot tub, they just got back from a ride on the four wheelers.
Off to soak...